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The first high-CBD strain discovered in the U.S., is among the rarest strains on the planet. Created from three sativas—an early-‘70s Colombian Gold male, a Thai from the mountains near Laos, and a Swiss native land race—combined with an indica from Nepal’s Mustang State, Harlequin was initially bred to be a hash-producer. Its creator, Mr. Green of the House of David Collective, was prompted to have its CBD levels tested when some of his friends reported that while they loved the smell, taste, and frosty appearance of the strain, it didn’t get them very high. Harlequin tested at a surprising 7% CBD and 7% THC—though it is worth noting that the specific phenotype reviewed for this article tested at an astounding 11% CBD, and a different phenotype of the same plant tested at less than 1% CBD. Harlequin is indeed a rare find.


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